Prime Dental Dentfilloy


Dentfilloy Silver Alloy and Dentfilloy Silver Alloy NG are high-quality, durable options for posterior tooth restoration.

Prime Dental Dentfilloy Silver Alloy is a superior quality fine-grained conventional alloy designed for dental use, boasting a silver-based composite of quaternary alloy. Tailored to meet the highest standards of the dental profession, Dentfilloy Silver Alloy excels in posterior tooth restoration. Its fine particle size ensures effective amalgamation with mercury, resulting in a coherent and strong mass. Suitable for class I, class II, and pit fillings, Dentfilloy Silver Alloy offers optimal performance and durability. Store away from sunlight in a cool and dark place for longevity.

Prime Dental Dentfilloy Silver Alloy NG is a high copper alloy, zinc-free amalgam crafted for posterior tooth restoration. Renowned for its non-gamma 2 formulation, Dentfilloy Silver Alloy NG ensures durable and reliable results. Its composition, suitable for class I, class II, and pit fillings, provides excellent retention and adaptation. Follow recommended 1:1 ratio by weight for alloy to mercury. Store Dentfilloy Silver Alloy NG away from sunlight in a cool and dry environment for optimal preservation.

Indications for Prime Dental Dentfilloy Silver Alloy and Dentfilloy Silver Alloy NG include:

  • Restoration of Class I cavities in posterior teeth.
  • Restoration of Class II cavities in posterior teeth.
  • Pit filling in posterior teeth.



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