Steam Vaporizer


Steam Vaporizer
3 in 1 Model

  • Attachments- Vaporizer has three attachments all in, consisting of Nasal steamer, Vaporizer and Facial sauna. In nasal steamer you can add inhalant for cold relief and congestion. For Soft, Smooth, Glowing and Beautiful Skin.
  • Large facial attachment with smooth edges for facial sauna.
  • Smooth Edges for Nose and Mouth attachment for general steam inhalation.
  • Enhance Beauty- Facial Sauna can be used for beauty purpose. You can use the sauna during facial, massaging and at the time of clean up. The vaporizer helps to clear the clogs and open the facial pores present deeply.
  • Don’t use row water as it stops the steam generation process and vaporizer is designed from plastic body, which is shock free and light.


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